Life Coaching, Parent Coaching, Professional Development and Burnout Resilience Training

I’m Melanie, a certified Life Purpose Coach specializing in: parent coaching, life coaching, goal setting, professional development and burnout resilience training.

Modern Living Room redesign for Kevin P.

I aim to assist with consultative life coaching - setting goals, overcoming limitations and achieving the next steps.


My sessions are tailored to your personal needs and may include: consultation, life coaching, parent coaching, goal setting, professional development, burnout resilience training, relaxation therapy, guided meditation, intuitive readings and sharing of information regarding holistic practices.


These sessions in no way are substitutes for medical healthcare, mental health care or professional counseling. Any suggestions or comments are not to be substituted for medical advice. No medications will be prescribed. There will not be a diagnosis or treatment plan. The suggestions provided are to encourage you to reach your goals.

Consultation and life coaching is a way to have support and guidance in reaching career and life goals.


Elevate your life and watch yourself grow into who you want to be.

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